I recently said "I do" to my special someone. I am not the biggest perfectionist and only had about four months to plan, so I've collected a few steps to help you make your wedding a great one. Take notes!
Marrying someone foreign ensures your wedding will be unique and festive. Most cultures tend to be a little more festive than the Midwest. Also, if anything goes wrong, you can claim it was just a part
of your fiance's culture!
Cake unveiling was something I'd never seen before I married into my Jamaican family, but it was great that the moms had a special role in the reception. The guests' cake was already in boxes on the tables, so there was no need for cake cutters or servers.
But, somehow or another we didn't have
our serving set in the right place at the right time. It's OK! We just used
a butter knife. If anyone would have asked, I would have said it was a Jamaican tradition.